
最近完成个类似QQ截图功能CatchScreen.oxcControl控件能自动保存jpg图片到自动创建文件夹C:\\CatchScreenPicture里文件名用系统时间命名不会产生重复命名(例如:2009_4_15_10_37_40.jpg)并返回文件路径JPG大小在500K下适合网络上传!如有意需求可联系我qq:386927906脚本文件如下:(可在IE下测试)HTML HEAD TI... [阅读全文]

复合控件:用Visual C#开发简单的复合Control控件

本文介绍如何用Visual C# .NET 2002开发简单复合Control控件(Composite Control)主要讲解Control控件开发过程中属性(Property)和事件(Event)处理以方便开发人员在.NET平台下根据自己需要开发适合Control控件  当我们在.NET平台下做Windows Forms开发时常常需要为了某特殊用途而把现有Control控件结合起来使用比如结合... [阅读全文]


ASH - Automatic Syntax highlight (Attempt 2) [Please note: I have my Delphi Editor colors -to the [Ocean] colour speed tings for testing purposes. This ting works well _... [阅读全文]


SUCCESS - (Nearly...) I think you\'ll agree we are pretty close. There is just a little bit of flicker. This flicker is the SelStart jumping the Cursor position around t... [阅读全文]


To start with I used the Edit1 Control to display the results of all these variables. I then tried manipulating text in the RichEdit to see what values I got. You should ... [阅读全文]


would be divided up o: procedure tsKeyWord tsSpace TForm1 tsIdentier . tsSymbol FormCreate tsIdentier ( tsSymbol Sender tsIdentier : tsSymbol TObject ... [阅读全文]


The Unofficial Newsletter of Delphi Users by Robert Vivrette Automatic Syntax Highlighting Using a RichEdit Control (Updated with fixes) Part 1 of \"A Tale of Two RichEdi... [阅读全文]
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