ajaxupdatepanel:Put ASP.NET AJAX Timer and UpdatePanel with RssToolKit all in action


You might observe Microsoft community bar at the top of ASP.NET website or IIS.NET website or any other Microsoft community website. This bar display RSS feeds from deferent Microsoft community locations.

In this article we will see how we could build something similar but not as a bar, it will like a group box where specific community location's RSS feeds are displayed.

Figure 1. Microsoft Community bar.


You might have heard about RssToolKit. It is available to download from dmitryr's blog. This tool kit provide a wonderful DataSource Control, the RssDataSource Control. I used this control to populate RSS feeds data and display them in a DataBound control. Of course you might many other things interesting in the RssToolKit.

This article also uses the latest release of Microsoft ASP.NET AJAX, which ASP.NET AJAX 1.0. So you will need to download it and install it to be able to work with the sample attached with this article.

Note that you have to be connected to the internet while using the attached sample; because it is using live urls.

Getting started: Creating an ASP.NET AJAX-Enabled Web Site

To create an ASP.NET AJAX-Enable Web Site follow the following:

  1. From VS.NET 2005 file menu click New Web Site.
  2. In New Web Site dialog box, under Visual Studio installed templates, select ASP.NET AJAX-Enabled Web Site.
  3. Enter a location and a language, and then click OK.
  4. Right click _disibledevent="http://www.joeon.net/">Jeo Stagner

    Tags:  asp.netajax控件 asp.net2.0ajax asp.netajax ajaxupdatepanel


