pidgin,Pidgin 2.7.11 发布,即时通信客户端

Pidgin 是一款支持多个常用即时通信协议的 IM 工具。是 Linux 下的主要即时通讯工具。
Pidginpidgin,Pidgin 2.7.11 发布,即时通信客户端
Pidgin 2.7.11 特性:
在 HP-UX 系统中对 libgadu 进行捆绑
使用 GTK+ 代替 libstartup-notification 支持
修复 AIM 好友列表不能完全显示
修复 MSN 不能添加好友到好友列表
修复 XMPP 协议,增加新命令
修复 Yahoo!/Yahoo! JAPAN 中因数据处理造成的错误
View all closed tickets for this release.
* General:
o Our bundled libgadu should now build _disibledevent=>Fedora).
o No longer require libstartup-notification for startup notification support. GTK+ has included support for years, so use it instead. (David Benjamin) (#13245)
* AIM:
o Fix a bug where some buddies from your buddy list might not show up. Affected non-English ICQ users the most. (#13386)
o Send keepalives for all types of network connections. Will hopefully make chat rooms more reliable. (#1449)
* MSN:
o Fix bug that prevented added buddies to your buddy list in certain circumstances. (#13298)
* MXit:
o MXit plugin and reported client version now follow the libpurple version.
o Don't try to request profile information for non-user contacts.
o Allow Re-Invite for contacts in Deleted or Rejected state.
o Ensure we don't send packets too fast to the MXit server and trigger its flood-detection mechanism. Also increased the internal packet queue to 32 packets.
o Fix building _disibledevent=>
Tags:  pidgin


