asp.netajax:XML-Binary BASE64 image slideshow using ASP. NET - AJAX

IntroductionThis article would illustrate how to create and use HTTPHandler in ashx file, XML binary base64 to change image format, using / Ajax. This primarily aims to have a slide show which... [阅读全文]

wellrounded:Ajax rounded corners control

Ajax Rounded Corners control is a very good control to make rounded type shape. Here by using Corners property of Ajax Rounded Corner property we can design shape in many form.Here is the ASPX code.%@... [阅读全文]

controlhost:Host a WPF control in a windows application

In this walkthrough, I will demonstrate how to host a WPF control in a windows application. I invite you to follow this walkthrough:Walkthrough:Open VS 2008 or Sharp Develop 3.0, then add a new projec... [阅读全文]

yogaforbeginners:WCF programming for Beginners

Windows Communication Foundation (WCF)Windows Communication Foundation (WCF) is a dedicated communication frame work provided by the Microsoft. WCF is a part of .NET 3.0. The runtime environment provi... [阅读全文]

digitalclock:Digital Clock in C# and .NET

The attached application is a digital clock developed using C# and .NET.This is how it looks: ... [阅读全文]

introduction:Introduction to Unit Testing Framework of VS 2008 - Part III

In previous article, we discussed about Ordered Tests and its configuration. Now, we will have a look into some other features of this framework. I will start with configuration of Test Project follow... [阅读全文]

UniformGrid in WPF

UniformGrid has a namespace System.Windows.Controls.Primitives. Good thing is in UniformGrid is it displays child elements in columns and rows of the same size. The order of the elements is given by i... [阅读全文]

ControlTemplate in WPF

The ControlTemplate contains the tree of elements that define the desired look. After you define a ControlTemplate you can attach it to any Control or Page by setting it’s TemplateProperty. In this ... [阅读全文]

opacity:Brushes with Opacity Mask in WPF

This articles describes that how to use brushes as Opacity Mask in WPF. All drawing group have Opacity property that affects the entire object evenly they also have an OpacityMask that can be used to ... [阅读全文]

faults:Using the Fault Contracts (SOAP Faults) in WCF Programming

In this article we are going to see, how to use the Fault contracts in WCF programming. What is a WCF ?WCF (Windows Communication Foundation) is a .NET dedicated communication frame work. WCF provides... [阅读全文]

parameterized:Use CompiledQuery.Compile method to build parameterized DLINQ queries

In this article, I will demonstrate a second way other than used in the "Building parameterized queries from ADO.Net to DLINQ" article, in this _disibledevent="Verdana, Arial, Helvetica, sans-serif"No... [阅读全文]

rectangle:Dynamic and static Rectangle in WPF

In geometry, a rectangle is defined as a quadrilateral where all four of its angles are right angles (90 degrees). The Rectangle / element of XAML draws a rectangle. The Height and Width attributes re... [阅读全文]

linqtosql:SQL Server Stored procedures and UDF within a LINQ context-Part I

In this two parts particle, I will give techniques of how to deal with stored procedures and user defined functions UDF from within a LINQ context rather than ADO.Net. The advantage of calling the sto... [阅读全文]

linqtosql:SQL Server Stored procedures and UDF within LINQ context-PartII

In the first article, SQL Server Stored procedures and UDF within LINQ context-Part I, I exposed 2 scenarios of how to deal with stored procedures using LINQ, in this second part, I will accomplish th... [阅读全文]

skins:Skins in WPF

In this article I am going to discuss about how to use Skins in WPF. In WPF Skins and Themes format is totally different. _disibledevent=0Figure 1.This is it for now. ... [阅读全文]

encrypted:Password Encrypted Zip files in C# (What the hey, Java Source included too!!)

This article provides the source code for creating zip files in C# and Java.There are _disibledevent=3 ... [阅读全文]

visualstudio:Working with DataGridView Control in Visual Studio 2008

IntroductionThe DataGridView control available as a part of Windows Forms controls in Visual Studio 2008 is much more powerful than it's previous versions. This tutorial is a basic introduction of how... [阅读全文]

linqtosql:Chapter 1: Hello LINQ

Note: This is part of a chapter inside Joseph C. Rattz, Jr.'s book _disibledevent=2Price: $44.99 ... [阅读全文]

mp3player:Simple MP3 Player

The attached project is a simple MP3 player. The UI looks like following:Figure 1.In the above UI, the Browse button let you browse an MP3 file and plays it.The source code of the Forum class is liste... [阅读全文]

delegate:What is Delegate

IntroductionA delegate is an object that can refer to a method. Thus, when you create a delegate, you are creating an object that can hold a reference to a method. Furthermore, the method can be calle... [阅读全文]

collector:Working of Garbage Collector - Part II

In part _disibledevent=0Figure 3.Note that older objects (Obj1, Obj3) are moved to new generation (generation 1) After this garbage collector does not collect generation 1 always and always, it usuall... [阅读全文]

createuserwizard:CreateUserWizard control in ASP.NET 3.5

The CreateUserWizard control provides the user interface for the MembershipProvider object that communicates with your Web site's user data store to create new user accounts in the data store. The Cre... [阅读全文]

objectdatasource:Object DataSource in ASP.NET 2.0

Introduction Themain objective of new controls available in ASP.NET 2.0 is to reduce the code. ObjectDataSource control is _disibledevent=2ASP.NET version 2.0 provides new data source and data bound c... [阅读全文]

objectdatasource:Accessing Data using Object Data Source in ASP.Net 2.0 and C#

One of the best methods to read or write data is Data binding against objects.The below tutorial demonstrates how to build ASP.NET 2.0that binds data against Objects using Visual Studio 2005 .1. Creat... [阅读全文]

asp.net3.5:Wizard Control in ASP.NET 3.5

Use the Wizard control to simplify many of the tasks that are associated with building a series of forms to collect user input.Collecting user input by using forms is a recurring task in Web developme... [阅读全文]

asp.net3.5:EntityDataSource Control in ASP.NET 3.5

In this article I am going to discuss how to use EntityDataSource control step by step. EntityDataSource is a new Data Source control for ASP.Net 3.5 like other controls SqlDataSource, LinqDataSource,... [阅读全文]

explore:Explore Browser

The attached solution is a Visual Studio project for a Web Browser which has advance features like youcan upload images and open many type of files.Here is a list of some features:It also let you open... [阅读全文]

bitmap:Bitmap Effects using WPF

WPF (Windows Presentation Foundation) has five special visual effects built in to the System.Windows.Media.Effects namespace that can be applied to any UIElement, DrawingGroup and ViewPort3DVisualCove... [阅读全文]

asp.net3.5:AccessDataSource Control in ASP.NET 3.5

Designed to work with Microsoft Access. It uses OleDb data provider internally. OleDb data provider classes are defined in the System.Data.OleDb namespace. The AccessDataSource class is a data source ... [阅读全文]

asp.netadrotator:AdRotator Control in ASP.NET 3.5

This article demonstrates how to use the AdRotator control to display advertisements in an ASP.NET Web site and how to implement custom "click tracking" logic. Many e-commerce sites use banner adverti... [阅读全文]
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