Powershell 实现 Hyper-V 虚拟机 管理

1. 启动
1 param 2 ( 3 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -host server is required."), 4 [string]$vmName = $(throw "param -virtual machine name is required.") 5 ) 6 7 function GetImageState 8 { 9 param 10 ( 11 [string]$image = $(throw "param -image is required."), 12 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -hostserver is required.") 13 ) 14 $virtualMachines = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSVM_ComputerSystem" -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 15 foreach ($virtualMachine in $virtualMachines) 16 { 17 if ($image -ieq $virtualMachine.ElementName) 18 { 19 return $virtualMachine.EnabledState; 20 } 21 } 22 throw "Cannot get the state of image [$image] _disibledevent=>"; 23 } 24 25 function WaitImageToState 26 { 27 param 28 ( 29 [string]$image = $(throw "param -image is required."), 30 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -hostserver is required."), 31 [int]$state = $(throw "param -$state is required."), 32 [int]$timeOut = $(throw "param -$timeOut is required.") 33 ) 34 do 35 { 36 $timeOut = $timeOut - 5; 37 sleep (5); 38 $currentState = GetImageState -image:$image -hostserver:$hostServer; 39 if ($currentState -eq $state) 40 { 41 return; 42 } 43 44 if ($timeOut -le 0) 45 { 46 throw "Wait for image [$image] to state [$state] time out."; 47 } 48 }while($true); 49 } 50 51 "Start up the virtual machine..." + $hostServer 52 Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 53 $virtualMachines = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSVM_ComputerSystem" -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 54 $virtualMachineRun = 2; 55 foreach ($virtualMachine in $virtualMachines) 56 { 57 if($virtualMachine.ElementName -eq $vmName) 58 { 59 $result = $virtualMachine.RequestStateChange($virtualMachineRun); 60 if ($result.ReturnValue -ne 4096) 61 { 62 throw "Failed to send start request to VM - " + $virtualMachine; 63 } 64 WaitImageToState -image:$virtualMachine.ElementName -hostserver:$hostServer -state:$virtualMachineRun -timeOut:60; 65 } 66 } 67 $vmName + "startup Finished!"
2. 关闭
1 param 2 ( 3 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -host server is required."), 4 [string]$vmName = $(throw "param -virtual machine name is required.") 5 ) 6 7 function GetImageState 8 { 9 param 10 ( 11 [string]$image = $(throw "param -image is required."), 12 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -hostserver is required.") 13 ) 14 $virtualMachines = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSVM_ComputerSystem" -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 15 foreach ($virtualMachine in $virtualMachines) 16 { 17 if ($image -ieq $virtualMachine.ElementName) 18 { 19 return $virtualMachine.EnabledState; 20 } 21 } 22 throw "Cannot get the state of image [$image] _disibledevent=>"; 23 } 24 25 function WaitImageToState 26 { 27 param 28 ( 29 [string]$image = $(throw "param -image is required."), 30 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -hostserver is required."), 31 [int]$state = $(throw "param -$state is required."), 32 [int]$timeOut = $(throw "param -$timeOut is required.") 33 ) 34 do 35 { 36 $timeOut = $timeOut - 5; 37 sleep (5); 38 $currentState = GetImageState -image:$image -hostserver:$hostServer; 39 if ($currentState -eq $state) 40 { 41 return; 42 } 43 44 if ($timeOut -le 0) 45 { 46 throw "Wait for image [$image] to state [$state] time out."; 47 } 48 }while($true); 49 } 50 51 "Shutdown the virtual machine..." 52 Set-ExecutionPolicy -ExecutionPolicy RemoteSigned 53 $virtualMachines = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSVM_ComputerSystem" -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 54 $virtualMachineRun = 3; 55 foreach ($virtualMachine in $virtualMachines) 56 { 57 if($virtualMachine.ElementName -eq $vmName) 58 { 59 $result = $virtualMachine.RequestStateChange($virtualMachineRun); 60 if ($result.ReturnValue -ne 4096) 61 { 62 throw "Failed to send start request to VM - " + $virtualMachine; 63 } 64 WaitImageToState -image:$virtualMachine.ElementName -hostserver:$hostServer -state:$virtualMachineRun -timeOut:60; 65 } 66 } 67 $vmName + "Shutdown Finished!"
3. 获得虚拟机状态 (状态码参考:http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc136822(VS.85).aspx)
1 param 2 ( 3 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -hostserver is required."), 4 [string]$vmName = $(throw "param -vmName is required.") 5 ) 6 7 $status = -1 8 $virtualMachines = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSVM_ComputerSystem" -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer 9 foreach ($virtualMachine in $virtualMachines) 10 { 11 if ($vmName -ieq $virtualMachine.ElementName) 12 { 13 $status = $virtualMachine.EnabledState 14 break 15 } 16 } 17 18 switch($status) 19 { 20 -1 {throw "Cannot get the state of vmName [$vmName] _disibledevent=>"} 21 2 {"Running."} 22 3 {"Closed."} 23 32768 {"Paused."} 24 32769 {"Saved."} 25 32770 {"Starting."} 26 32773 {"Saving."} 27 32774 {"Stopping."} 28 32776 {"Pausing."} 29 32777 {"Restoring."} 30 default {"Unknow Status."} 31 }
4. 获得虚拟机快照列表
1 param 2 ( 3 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -host server is required."), 4 [string]$vmName = $(throw "param -virtual machine name is required.") 5 ) 6 7 $virtualMachines = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSVM_ComputerSystem" -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 8 foreach ($virtualMachine in $virtualMachines) 9 { 10 if($virtualMachine.ElementName -eq $vmName) 11 { 12 # get snapshots of the virtual machine 13 $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData WHERE SystemName='" + $virtualMachine.Name + "' and SettingType=5"; 14 $snapShots = Get-WmiObject -Query $queryStr -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 15 16 foreach ($aSnapShot in $snapShots) 17 { 18 $aSnapShot.ElementName 19 [System.DateTime]::ParseExact($aSnapShot.CreationTime.Substring(0,14), "yyyyMMddHHmmss", $null).ToLocalTime().ToString() 20 $aSnapShot.Notes 21 } 22 } 23 }
5. 根据快照回滚虚拟机
1 param 2 ( 3 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -hostServer is required."), 4 [string]$vmName = $(throw "param -virtual machine name is required."), 5 [string]$snapshotName = $(throw "param -snapshotName is required.") 6 ) 7 8 function GetImageState 9 { 10 param 11 ( 12 [string]$image = $(throw "param -image is required."), 13 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -hostserver is required.") 14 ) 15 $virtualMachines = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSVM_ComputerSystem" -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 16 foreach ($virtualMachine in $virtualMachines) 17 { 18 if ($image -ieq $virtualMachine.ElementName) 19 { 20 return $virtualMachine.EnabledState; 21 } 22 } 23 throw "Cannot get the state of image [$image] _disibledevent=>"; 24 } 25 26 function WaitImageToState 27 { 28 param 29 ( 30 [string]$image = $(throw "param -image is required."), 31 [string]$hostServer = $(throw "param -hostserver is required."), 32 [int]$state = $(throw "param -$state is required."), 33 [int]$timeOut = $(throw "param -$timeOut is required.") 34 ) 35 do 36 { 37 $timeOut = $timeOut - 5; 38 sleep (5); 39 $currentState = GetImageState -image:$image -hostserver:$hostServer; 40 if ($currentState -eq $state) 41 { 42 return; 43 } 44 45 if ($timeOut -le 0) 46 { 47 throw "Wait for image [$image] to state [$state] time out."; 48 } 49 }while($true); 50 } 51 52 53 "Rollback the virtual machine..." 54 $virtualMachines = Get-WmiObject -Class "MSVM_ComputerSystem" -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 55 $virtualSystemService = Get-WmiObject -Class "Msvm_VirtualSystemManagementService" -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 56 foreach ($virtualMachine in $virtualMachines) 57 { 58 if($virtualMachine.ElementName -eq $vmName) 59 { 60 # get snapshot of the virtual machine 61 $queryStr = "SELECT * FROM Msvm_VirtualSystemSettingData WHERE SystemName='" + $virtualMachine.Name + "' and SettingType=5"; 62 $snapShots = Get-WmiObject -Query $queryStr -Namespace "root\virtualization" -ComputerName $hostServer; 63 foreach ($aSnapShot in $snapShots) 64 { 65 # revert to specified snapshot 66 if ($aSnapShot.ElementName -ieq $snapshotName) 67 { 68 # apply snapshot 69 $result = $virtualSystemService.ApplyVirtualSystemSnapShot($virtualMachine.__PATH, $aSnapShot.__PATH); 70 if ($result.ReturnValue -ne 0) 71 { 72 throw "Failed to apply snapshot ["+$snapshotName+"] to VM ["+$image+"]"; 73 } 74 WaitImageToState -image:$virtualMachine.ElementName -hostserver:$hostServer -state:32769 -timeOut:120; 75 } 76 } 77 } 78 } 79 "Finished rollback!"



