Windows Phone - 返回键

Windows Phone应用程序需要符合一些列的Guidelines,其中"返回键"是一个容易出问题的地方。
Windows Phone - 返回键
<<UI Design and Intercation Guide for Windows Phone 7>> v2.0中这样描述:
The hardware Back Button is used to navigate back _disibledevent=>See the Navigation, Frames, and Pages topic for more information about the page navigation model in Windows Phone 7.
When a user navigates back out of the root page of an application, the application will terminate.
The Back Button will not work as a backspace key to delete text input.
See the Navigation, Frames and Pages topic for additional guidance.
Developers should _disibledevent=>The hardware Back button is used to go back within an application or between applications. Also, the Back button can close an _disibledevent=>protected override void _disibledevent=> 