

     name   clear
     page   55,132
     title   'CLEAR --- control PC display'
; CLEAR Utility to clear display
; and character attributes
; Ray Duncan, Uncopyright (u) August 1983
; This program may be freely copied,
; mangled, enhanced, redistributed.
input  equ    080h   ;command line tail buffer
cr    equ    0dh    ;ASCII carriage
cseg   segment 
     assume  cs:cseg,ds:cseg
     org    0100h   ;since this will be
               ; a COM file
clear:            ;initialize display...
               ;call BIOS video driver to
     mov    ah,15   ;get current display mode:
         10h    ;s AL = mode, and
               ;AH = no. of columns.
     cmp    al,7   ; we are in graphics modes
     je    clear0  ;(modes 4,5,6) then exit
     cmp    al,3   ;but we are in mode 0-3
     ja    clear9  ;or 7 then continue.
clear0:           ; up size of window to
               ;be initialized...
     xor    cx,cx   ; upper left corner of
               ;window to (X,Y)=(0,0)
     mov    dh,24   ; Y to 24 for lower right
     mov    dl,ah   ;corner, and X to the number
     dec    dl    ;of columns ed by BIOS
               ;minus 1
     mov    bh,7   ;initialize attribute
               ;to "normal" video display,
               ;i.e. white _disibledevent=0
     xor    dx,dx
clear9:     20h    ;exit to PC-DOS
cseg   ends
     end    clear

Tags:  cleanclear cleartype usbclear clear


