centos6,Installing Tomcat 6 on CentOS 5

Installing Tomcat 6 on CentOS 5 May be a niche post but after some fighting with my virtual server running CentOS 5 it boiled down to a really simple solution: view sourceprint? 1 cd /etc/yum.repos... [阅读全文]

centos6,CentOS 6计划5月发布

根据 CentOS 官方的日程计划,CentOS 6 很有可能会在本月发布。CentOS 6 上游的 RHEL 6 发布也快有半年的时间了,CentOS 6 还迟迟没有来到,按时间来看它是应该和大家见面了。RHEL 6带来的新特性也将出现在 CentOS 6 中,因此它承载着大家太多的希望。... [阅读全文]
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