

在学习AJAX and PHP Building Responsive Web Applications时候书中源代码连接MySQL数据库部分采用了mysqli思路方法假若说AJAX始终不能正常显示请根据下面介绍进行操作问题将很快得到解答
1. 开启PHPAPI支持
(3)介绍说明:PHP需要单独文件来支持这个扩展库般在PHP目录下ext目录里能找到php_mysqli.dll文件(PHP <= 5.0.2 中是 libmysqli.dll)当然在PHP配置文件当中要有正确指向ext信息(extension_dir)假若您PHP没有这个文件您可以去下载PHP5源码包另外这个API扩展只能在PHP5以上版本使用其它具体信息请看下面
2. mysqli身份证
mysqli是“MySQL, Improved”缩写该扩展仅适用于PHP 5它能用于MySQL 4.1.1和更高版本该扩展完全支持MySQL 5.1中采用鉴定协议也支持预处理语句和多语句API此外该扩展还提供了先进、面向对象编程接口在上可找到有关mysqli扩展文档在处给出了篇有用文章
3. mysqli预定义类
表达了 PHP 和 MySQL 数据库的间连接

mysqli - 构造个新 mysqli 对象
autocommit - 打开或关闭自动提交数据库选项
change_user - 改变指定数据库连接用户
character__name - 返回数据库连接默认
close - 关闭个的前打开连接
commit - 提交当前事务
connect - 打开个到 MySQL 数据库服务器新连接
debug - 执行排错操作
dump_debug_info - 取得排错信息
get_client_info - 返回客户端版本
get_host_info - 返回连接使用类型
get_server_info - 返回 MySQL 服务器版本
get_server_version - 返回 MySQL 服务器版本
init - 化 mysqli 对象
info - 取得最近执行查询信息
kill - 要求服务器停止个 mysql 线程
multi_query - 执行多个查询
more_results - check more results exist from currently executed multi-query
next_result - reads next result from currently executed multi-query
options - options
ping - pings a server connection or reconnects there is no connection
prepare - prepares a SQL query
query - performs a query
real_connect - attempts to open a connection to MySQL database server
escape_ - escapes special characters in a for use in a SQL statement, taking o account the current char of the connection[Page]
rollback - rolls back the current transaction
select_db - selects the default database
_char - s the default client character
ssl_ - s ssl parameters
stat - gets the current system status
stmt_init- initializes a statement for use with mysqli_stmt_prepare
store_result - transfers a result from last query
thread_safe - s whether thread safety is given or not
use_result - transfers an unbuffered result from last query
affected_rows - gets the number of affected rows in a previous MySQL operation
client_info - s the MySQL client version as a
client_version - s the MySQL client version as an eger
errno - s the error code for the most recent function call
error - s the error for the most recent function call
field_count - s the number of columns for the most recent query
host_info - s a representing the type of connection used
info - retrieves information about the most recently executed query
insert_id - s the auto generated id used in the last query
protocol_version - s the version of the MySQL protocol used
server_info - s a that represents the server version number
server_version - s the version number of the server as an eger
sqlstate - s a containing the SQLSTATE error code for the last error
thread_id - s the thread ID for the current connection
warning_count - s the number of warnings generated during execution of the previous SQL statement

4. 基本语法

\"\"\" align=top><?php
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
prf(\"Can\'tconnecttoMySQLServer.Errorcode:%s \",mysqli_connect_error);
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>}

\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
pr(\"Verylargecitiesare: \");
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
prf(\"%s(%s) \",$row[\'Name\'],$row[\'Population\']);
\"\"\" align=top>}
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>

\"\"\" align=top>}
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>
\"\"\" align=top>




