partofyourworld:Writing Your Own GPS Applications: Part I

"I am continually amazed by how little code is required to use atomic clocks in satellites 11,000 miles above my head."

Sample Image - WritingGPSApplications1.jpg


What is it that GPS applications need to be good enough to use in a commercial environment, such as in-car navigation? Also, how does the process of interpreting GPS data actually work? In this three-part series, I will cover both topics and give you the skills you need to write a commercial-grade GPS application that works with a majority of GPS devices in the industry today.

One Powerful Sentence

This first part in the series will explore the task of interpreting raw GPS data. Fortunately, the task is simplified thanks to the National Marine Electronics Association which introduced a standard for the industry, now in use by a vast majority of GPS devices. To give developers a head start, I chose to use some Visual Studio .NET source code from my "GPS.NET Global Positioning SDK" component. (The code is stripped of features like multithreading and error handling for brevity.)

NMEA data is sent as comma-delimited "sentences" which contain information based _disibledevent="">PartII of this series, I will explain precision enforcement in detail and take the interpreter even further to make it suitable for professional, high-precision applications!

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