java国际化,Step By Step(Java 国际化篇)

Java编程语言是第一个设计成为全面支持国际化的语言。从一开始,它就具备了进行有效的国际化所必须的一个重要特征:使用Unicode来处理所有字符串。支持Unicode使得在Java编程语言中,编写程序来操作多种语言的字符串变得异常方便。多数程序员认为进行国际哈需要做的事情就是支持Unicode并在用户接口中对消息进行翻译。然而在实际的开发中,国际化一个程序所需要做的绝不仅仅是提供Unicode支持,它还包括日期、时间、货币和数字等格式上的差异。 1. Locales: 需要依赖国际化的两个主要格式化类为NumberFormat和DateFormat,它们在通过工厂方法获取其实现子类时,都会依赖参数Locale来决定最终被实例化的子类,见如下代码:
1 public static void main(String[] args) { 2 Locale loc = new Locale("de","DE"); 3 NumberFormat currFmt = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(loc); 4 double amt = 123456.78; 5 String result = currFmt.format(amt); 6 System.out.println("The result = " + result); 7 } 8 /* 输出结果如下: 9 The result = 123.456,78 ? */
1 public static void main(String[] args) throws ParseException { 2 Locale loc = new Locale("de","DE"); 3 NumberFormat fmt = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(loc); 4 String amt = "123.456,78"; 5 double result = fmt.parse(amt).doubleValue(); 6 System.out.println("The result = " + result); 7 } 8 /* 输出结果如下: 9 The result = 123456.78 */
在上面的代码中都是通过直接给出ISO定义的语言和地区代码缩写的方式来构造Locale对象的,事实上Java中提供了一组预定义的Locale静态对象来表示不同的语言和地区的Locale实例,如: Locale.CANADA Locale.CANADA_FRENCH Locale.CHINA Locale.FRANCE Locale.GERMANY Locale.ITALY Locale.JAPAN Locale.KOREA ... 以下的仅设定了语言而没有设定位置: Locale.CHINESE Locale.ENGLISH Locale.FRENCH Locale.GERMAN Locale.ITALIAN ... 以下再给出几个关于Locale的示例代码:
1 //设置缺省国际化Locale,注意:该操作只是修改当前应用程序的 2 //本地化,而不是修改当前操作系统的。 3 public static void main(String[] args) { 4 Locale.setDefault(Locale.FRANCE); 5 DateFormat df = DateFormat.getInstance(); 6 NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); 7 System.out.println(df.format(new Date())); 8 System.out.println(nf.format(123.4567)); 9 } 10 /* 输出结果如下: 11 26/08/11 23:28 12 123,457 */ 13 14 //获取当前机器支持语言的列表 15 public static void main(String[] args) { 16 Locale[] locales = Locale.getAvailableLocales(); 17 for (Locale loc : locales) 18 System.out.println(loc.getDisplayName()); 19 }
2. 数字格式:
1 //将数组中的数字转换为指定的美国本地化显示格式 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 int data[] = { 100, 1000, 10000, 1000000 }; 4 NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(Locale.US); 5 for (int i = 0; i < data.length; ++i) { 6 System.out.println(data[i] + "\t" + nf.format(data[i])); 7 } 8 } 9 //格式化BigDecimal 10 public static void main(String[] args) { 11 StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer(); 12 Locale it = Locale.ITALY; 13 Locale.setDefault(it); 14 BigDecimal rate = new BigDecimal(".03250000"); 15 BigDecimal months = new BigDecimal("12"); 16 BigDecimal monthlyRate = rate.divide(months, BigDecimal.ROUND_HALF_DOWN); 17 NumberFormat pf = new DecimalFormat("#,##0.00000%"); 18 buffer.append("Annual rate : " + pf.format(rate.doubleValue()) + "\n"); 19 buffer.append("Monthly rate: " + pf.format(monthlyRate.doubleValue()) + "\n"); 20 BigDecimal balance = new BigDecimal("10000.0000"); 21 NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(); 22 for (int i = 0; i < 12; i++) { 23 BigDecimal interest = balance.multiply(monthlyRate); 24 balance = balance.add(interest); 25 buffer.append("Balance : " + nf.format(balance.doubleValue()) + "\n"); 26 } 27 System.out.println(buffer.toString()); 28 } 29 //格式化数字格式中主要的3中表示方式:数字、货币和百分比 30 public class MyTest { 31 static public void displayNumber(Locale currentLocale) { 32 Integer quantity = new Integer(123456); 33 Double amount = new Double(345987.246); 34 NumberFormat numberFormatter; 35 String quantityOut; 36 String amountOut; 37 numberFormatter = NumberFormat.getNumberInstance(currentLocale); 38 quantityOut = numberFormatter.format(quantity); 39 amountOut = numberFormatter.format(amount); 40 System.out.println(quantityOut + " " + currentLocale.toString()); 41 System.out.println(amountOut + " " + currentLocale.toString()); 42 } 43 44 static public void displayCurrency(Locale currentLocale) { 45 Double currency = new Double(9876543.21); 46 NumberFormat currencyFormatter; 47 String currencyOut; 48 currencyFormatter = NumberFormat.getCurrencyInstance(currentLocale); 49 currencyOut = currencyFormatter.format(currency); 50 System.out.println(currencyOut + " " + currentLocale.toString()); 51 } 52 53 static public void displayPercent(Locale currentLocale) { 54 Double percent = new Double(0.75); 55 NumberFormat percentFormatter; 56 String percentOut; 57 percentFormatter = NumberFormat.getPercentInstance(currentLocale); 58 percentOut = percentFormatter.format(percent); 59 System.out.println(percentOut + " " + currentLocale.toString()); 60 } 61 62 public static void main(String[] args) { 63 Locale[] locales = { new Locale("fr", "FR"), 64 new Locale("de", "DE"), 65 new Locale("en", "US") }; 66 for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) { 67 System.out.println(); 68 displayNumber(locales[i]); 69 displayCurrency(locales[i]); 70 displayPercent(locales[i]); 71 } 72 } 73 }
3. 日历格式:
1 //从不同的locale获取每周中的哪一天为周的第一天,并显示 2 //不同locale针对星期的显示名称。 3 public static void main(String[] args) { 4 Locale usersLocale = Locale.getDefault(); 5 6 DateFormatSymbols dfs = new DateFormatSymbols(usersLocale); 7 String weekdays[] = dfs.getWeekdays(); 8 Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(usersLocale); 9 //获取不同地区定义的哪一天是每周的第一天 10 int firstDayOfWeek = cal.getFirstDayOfWeek(); 11 int dayOfWeek; 12 //根据不同的每周第一天,遍历并显示不同地区针对星期的名称。 13 for (dayOfWeek = firstDayOfWeek; dayOfWeek < weekdays.length; dayOfWeek++) 14 System.out.println(weekdays[dayOfWeek]); 15 16 for (dayOfWeek = 0; dayOfWeek < firstDayOfWeek; dayOfWeek++) 17 System.out.println(weekdays[dayOfWeek]); 18 } 19 //比较日本时区时间和本地时区时间 20 public static void main(String[] args) { 21 Calendar local = Calendar.getInstance(); 22 Calendar japanCal = new GregorianCalendar(TimeZone.getTimeZone("Japan")); 23 japanCal.setTimeInMillis(local.getTimeInMillis()); 24 int jpHour = japanCal.get(Calendar.HOUR); // 3 25 int jpMinutes = japanCal.get(Calendar.MINUTE); // 0 26 int jpSeconds = japanCal.get(Calendar.SECOND); // 0 27 System.out.println("Japan's time is Hour = " + jpHour + "\tMinutes = " 28 + jpMinutes + "\tSeconds = " + jpSeconds); 29 int localHour = local.get(Calendar.HOUR); // 3 30 int localMinutes = local.get(Calendar.MINUTE); // 0 31 int localSeconds = local.get(Calendar.SECOND); // 0 32 System.out.println("Local's time is Hour = " + localHour + "\tMinutes = " 33 + localMinutes + "\tSeconds = " + localSeconds); 34 }
4. 日期格式:
1 //定义指定的日期格式化格式,再根据locale的不同,打印出不同的日期名称。 2 public static void main(String[] args) { 3 Locale locale = Locale.ENGLISH; 4 //SimpleDateFormat对象的构造函数中,如果没有显示的传入locale对象, 5 //该对象在解析和格式化的过程中将使用缺省的本地化对象。 6 DateFormat formatter = new SimpleDateFormat("E, dd MMM yyyy", locale); 7 DateFormat formatter2 = new SimpleDateFormat("HH:mm:ss zzzz", locale); 8 System.out.println("Result = " + formatter.format(new Date())); 9 System.out.println("Result2 = " + formatter2.format(new Date())); 10 //定义指定格式的日期格式化对象,在结合Locale对象去格式化当前时间。 11 Date date = new Date(); 12 String s = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(DateFormat.SHORT, locale).format(date); 13 System.out.println(s); 14 15 //使用缺省的本地化locale格式化日期和数字,这里DateFormat和NumberFormat工厂方法 16 //将会根据不同的locale来实例化不同的DateFormat和NumberFormat的实现类,然而这些 17 //逻辑对使用者是完全透明的。 18 DateFormat df = DateFormat.getInstance(); 19 NumberFormat nf = NumberFormat.getInstance(); 20 System.out.println(df.format(new Date())); 21 System.out.println(nf.format(123.4567)); 22 } 23 //根据不同的时间Pattern、日期Pattern、日期时间Pattern,连同不同的Locale参数来 24 //构造出DateFormat的实现子类,在格式化指定的日期对象。 25 public class MyTest { 26 static public void displayDate(Locale currentLocale) { 27 DateFormat dateFormatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(DateFormat.DEFAULT, 28 currentLocale); 29 Date today = new Date(); 30 String dateOut = dateFormatter.format(today); 31 System.out.println(dateOut + " " + currentLocale.toString()); 32 } 33 34 static public void showBothStyles(Locale currentLocale) { 35 int[] styles = { DateFormat.DEFAULT, DateFormat.SHORT, 36 DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.FULL }; 37 System.out.println("Locale: " + currentLocale.toString()); 38 Date today = new Date(); 39 for (int k = 0; k < styles.length; k++) { 40 DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateTimeInstance(styles[k], styles[k], 41 currentLocale); 42 String result = formatter.format(today); 43 System.out.println(result); 44 } 45 } 46 47 static public void showDateStyles(Locale currentLocale) { 48 Date today = new Date(); 49 int[] styles = { DateFormat.DEFAULT, DateFormat.SHORT, 50 DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.FULL }; 51 System.out.println("Locale: " + currentLocale.toString()); 52 for (int k = 0; k < styles.length; k++) { 53 DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getDateInstance(styles[k], currentLocale); 54 String result = formatter.format(today); 55 System.out.println(result); 56 } 57 } 58 59 static public void showTimeStyles(Locale currentLocale) { 60 Date today = new Date(); 61 int[] styles = { DateFormat.DEFAULT, DateFormat.SHORT, 62 DateFormat.MEDIUM, DateFormat.LONG, DateFormat.FULL }; 63 System.out.println("Locale: " + currentLocale.toString()); 64 for (int k = 0; k < styles.length; k++) { 65 DateFormat formatter = DateFormat.getTimeInstance(styles[k], currentLocale); 66 String result = formatter.format(today); 67 System.out.println(result); 68 } 69 } 70 71 static public void main(String[] args) { 72 Locale[] locales = { Locale.CHINA,new Locale("en", "US") }; 73 for (int i = 0; i < locales.length; i++) 74 displayDate(locales[i]); 75 showDateStyles(new Locale("en", "US")); 76 showDateStyles(Locale.CHINA); 77 showTimeStyles(new Locale("en", "US")); 78 showTimeStyles(Locale.CHINA); 79 showBothStyles(new Locale("en", "US")); 80 showBothStyles(Locale.CHINA); 81 } 82 }
5. 字符排序: 大多数程序员都知道如何使用String类中的compareTo方法对字符串进行比较。但是由于大小写字符的ASCII值之间的差异,既小写字符总是大于大写字符,因此很多时候排序的结果并非程序员所真正希望得到的。然而有些时候,排序的问题不仅仅被大小写的问题所困扰,使用不同的本地化(Locale)对象,得到的排序规则往往也是不同的,比如在有些语言中存在重音符,其值更是大于小写字符,基于这样的排序结果也就失去的排序的真正意义。在Java中提供了Collator对象(Comparator的实现类),因此在当需要对字符串进行排序时,可以使用该类的工厂方法针对不同的Locale生成一个Collator的子类,之后在传给如Collections.sort这样的排序方法来完成实际的排序,如下例:
1 static public void main(String[] args) { 2 List fruits = new ArrayList(); 3 fruits.add("A"); 4 fruits.add("é"); 5 fruits.add("C"); 6 fruits.add("D"); 7 fruits.add("A"); 8 Collator collator = Collator.getInstance(Locale.US); 9 Collections.sort(fruits, collator); 10 for (int i = 0; i < fruits.size(); i++) { 11 String fruit = fruits.get(i); 12 System.out.println("Fruit = " + fruit); 13 } 14 } 15 /* 结果如下: 16 Fruit = A 17 Fruit = A 18 Fruit = C 19 Fruit = D 20 Fruit = é 21 */
1 static public void main(String[] args) { 2 String s1 = "é"; 3 String s2 = "É"; 4 5 Collator frCollator = Collator.getInstance(Locale.FRANCE); 6 System.out.println("The current strength is PRIMARY."); 7 frCollator.setStrength(Collator.PRIMARY); 8 if (, s2) == 0) 9 System.out.println("s1 = s2"); 10 System.out.println("The current strength is SECONDARY."); 11 frCollator.setStrength(Collator.SECONDARY); 12 if (, s2) == 0) 13 System.out.println("s1 = s2"); 14 System.out.println("The current strength is TERTIARY."); 15 frCollator.setStrength(Collator.TERTIARY); 16 if (, s2) == 0) 17 System.out.println("s1 = s2"); 18 } 19 /* 输出结果如下: 20 The current strength is PRIMARY. 21 s1 = s2 22 The current strength is SECONDARY. 23 s1 = s2 24 The current strength is TERTIARY. 25 */
从输出结果中可以看出,当排序强度将为TERTIARY时,这两个字符将被视为不同的字符了。 6. 消息格式化:
1 //这里演示了MessageFormat的最基本用法: 2 // {0,time}: 0表示第0个占位符,time表示该占位符的格式为时间,如不指定style,按缺省格式显示。 3 // {1,number}: 1表示第1个占位符,number表示该占位符为数字。 4 static public void main(String[] args) { 5 String pattern = "The time is {0,time} and your lucky number is {1,number}."; 6 MessageFormat format = new MessageFormat(pattern); 7 Object objects[] = {new Date(),new Integer((int)(Math.random() * 1000))}; 8 String formattedOutput = format.format(objects); 9 System.out.println(formattedOutput); 10 11 pattern = "The datetime is {0} and your lucky number is {1}."; 12 format = new MessageFormat(pattern); 13 //指定Locale 14 format.setLocale(Locale.US); 15 formattedOutput = format.format(objects); 16 System.out.println(formattedOutput); 17 format.setLocale(Locale.CHINA); 18 formattedOutput = format.format(objects); 19 System.out.println(formattedOutput); 20 } 21 /* 输出结果如下: 22 The time is 10:47:47 and your lucky number is 97. 23 The datetime is 8/28/11 10:47 AM and your lucky number is 97. 24 The datetime is 11-8-28 上午10:47 and your lucky number is 97. 25 */
Java针对Message中占位符的type,不仅提供了常规的number、time和date,还提供了choice格式,见如下例句: String pattern = "On {2,date,long},{0} destroyed {1} houses and caused {3,number,currency} of damage"; 注意占位符{1},尽管没有明确标注,仍然可以推测出它是number类型的。这里存在的主要问题是{1}后面的houses是复数格式,因此如果参数设置为1,则不符合英文的语法1 houses。再有就是如果参数设置为0,则更加奇怪"0 houses"。根据英文的语法规则,我们期待的格式是如果数量>=2,显示n houses,如果等于1,显示1 house,如果<=0,显示no house。如何完成这个功能呢?这里我们可以利用Java中给占位符提供的另外一种type: choice。其语法规则如下: 一个选择格式是由一个序列对组成,每一个对包括一个下限和一个格式字符串,下限和格式字符串由一个#符号分隔,对与对之间由符号|分隔。如: {1,choice,0#no house|1#one house|2#{1} houses} 如果不使用选择格式,又希望实现刚刚说到的逻辑,就需要手工进行数量的判断,再根据数量的不同定义不同的pattern,如果使用选择格式,代码将会更加清晰明确,如: String pattern = "On {2,date,long},{0} destroyed {1,choice,0#no house|1#one house|2#{1} houses} houses and caused {3,number,currency} of damage"; 7. 字符集: 在进行byte和char之间的转换时,不同编码方式的字符集提供了不同的编码(encode)和解码(decode)规则,见如下代码:
1 public class MyTest { 2 public static void print(ByteBuffer bb) { 3 while (bb.hasRemaining()) 4 System.out.print(bb.get() + " "); 5 System.out.println(); 6 bb.rewind(); 7 } 8 9 public static void main(String[] args) { 10 ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.wrap(new byte[] { 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 11 (byte) 'a' }); 12 System.out.println("Initial Byte Buffer"); 13 print(bb); 14 //提供了几种常用的字符集 15 Charset[] csets = { Charset.forName("UTF-16LE"), 16 Charset.forName("UTF-16BE"), Charset.forName("UTF-8"), 17 Charset.forName("US-ASCII"), Charset.forName("ISO-8859-1") }; 18 for (int i = 0; i < csets.length; i++) { 19 System.out.println(csets[i].name() + ":"); 20 //编码显示 21 print(csets[i].encode(bb.asCharBuffer())); 22 //解码用于下一次迭代 23 csets[i].decode(bb); 24 bb.rewind(); 25 } 26 } 27 } 28 //根据指定的字符集,将数据在CharBuffer和ByteBuffer之间做转换(编码和解码) 29 public static void main(String[] args) throws CharacterCodingException { 30 //由于有中文的存在,因此这里需要是用UTF-8的字符集,如果使用其他 31 //的西方字符集会导致encode抛出异常。 32 Charset charset = Charset.forName("UTF-8"); 33 // An engine that can transform a sequence of bytes in a specific 34 // charset into a sequence of sixteen-bit Unicode characters. 35 // from byte to unicode 36 CharsetDecoder decoder = charset.newDecoder(); 37 // An engine that can transform a sequence of sixteen-bit Unicode 38 // characters into a sequence of bytes in a specific charset. 39 // from unicode to byte 40 CharsetEncoder encoder = charset.newEncoder(); 41 ByteBuffer bbuf = ByteBuffer.allocate(1024); 42 CharBuffer cbuf = CharBuffer.allocate(1024); 43 String tmp = "HelloWorld123你好"; 44 cbuf.put(tmp); 45 cbuf.flip(); 46 //或者直接给CharBuffer赋值,如: 47 //cbuf = CharBuffer.wrap("HelloWorld123你好"); 48 //该语句相当于上面3条语句的功能。 49 50 //注:在encode内部已经调用了bbuf.flip(),如果外部重复调用,会导致后面的 51 //decode返回空值。 52 bbuf = encoder.encode(cbuf); 53 byte[] buf = bbuf.array(); 54 String s = new String(buf,charset); 55 System.out.println("ByteBuffer = " + s); 56 //注:在decode内部已经调用了cbuf.flip(),如果外部重复调用,会导致后面 57 //打印空值。 58 cbuf = decoder.decode(bbuf); 59 System.out.println("CharBuffer = " + cbuf.toString()); 60 }
8. 资源包: 经常会遇到这样的情形,我们应用程序中的大量字符串信息需要被翻译成各种不同的语言,如英文、德文等。我们常用的方式是自定义包含各种不同语言信息的文件,并通过文件名来标识其所属的语种。我们的应用程序在根据当前不同的locale来选择不同的语言资源文件。在Windows的MFC中,是通过一种被称为字符表的资源来存储这些信息的。在Java中,JDK同样提供了其自身的支持--资源包。 和我们想象的一样,JDK也是通过将不同语言的字符串信息存放在不同的资源文件中,同时也定义了语言资源文件的文件命名规则:包名_语言_国家,如MyProgramStrings_de_DE。如果locale = new Locale("de","DE");该资源文件将会被加载。既然Java已经为我们提供了这样的方法,我们还是应该充分的利用这一规则。事实上,和我们预想的非常相似,该资源文件也是以键值对的方式存储资源信息的,如下面的德文和英文资源文件: File: planet = Mars template = At {2,time,short} _disibledevent=>File: planet = Mars template = Um {2,time,short} am {2,date,long} haben wir {1,number,integer} Raumschiffe auf dem Planeten Mars entdeckt. 将以上两个文件copy到工程的bin目录下,再执行下面的示例代码:
1 public class MyTest { 2 static void displayMessage(Locale currentLocale) { 3 System.out.println("currentLocale = " + currentLocale.toString()); 4 //getBundle的第一个参数是资源文件的前缀,后缀则根据Locale来定义。 5 ResourceBundle messages = ResourceBundle.getBundle("MessageBundle",currentLocale); 6 Object[] messageArguments = { messages.getString("planet"), 7 new Integer(7), new Date() }; 8 MessageFormat formatter = new MessageFormat(""); 9 formatter.setLocale(currentLocale); 10 formatter.applyPattern(messages.getString("template")); 11 String output = formatter.format(messageArguments); 12 System.out.println(output); 13 } 14 15 public static void main(String[] args) { 16 displayMessage(new Locale("en", "US")); 17 displayMessage(new Locale("de", "DE")); 18 } 19 } 20 /* 输出结果如下: 21 currentLocale = en_US 22 At 9:27 PM _disibledevent=>23 currentLocale = de_DE 24 Um 21:27 am 29. August 2011 haben wir 7 Raumschiffe auf dem Planeten Mars entdeckt. 25 */
以下示例结合了ChoiceFormat和ResourceBundle,资源文件内容如下: File: noFiles = are no files _disibledevent=> multipleFiles = are {2} files pattern = There {0} _disibledevent=>File: noFiles = n' y a pas des fichiers _disibledevent=> multipleFiles = y a {2} fichiers pattern = Il {0} sur {1}. 见代码如下:
1 public class MyTest { 2 static void displayMessages(Locale currentLocale) { 3 System.out.println("currentLocale = " + currentLocale.toString()); 4 //1. 根据Locale的不同,获取不同的资源文件 5 ResourceBundle bundle = ResourceBundle.getBundle("ChoiceBundle",currentLocale); 6 MessageFormat messageForm = new MessageFormat(""); 7 //2. 给MessageFormat对象设定locale,便于资源文件的定位。 8 messageForm.setLocale(currentLocale); 9 //3. 设定ChoiceFormat下限部分 10 double[] fileLimits = { 0, 1, 2 }; 11 //4. 从资源文件中读取指定的key/value,之后再初始化ChoiceFormat的选择部分。 12 String[] fileStrings = { bundle.getString("noFiles"), 13 bundle.getString("oneFile"), bundle.getString("multipleFiles") }; 14 ChoiceFormat choiceForm = new ChoiceFormat(fileLimits, fileStrings); 15 //5. 根据资源文件中“pattern”键值对来定义MessageFormat的pattern部分。 16 String pattern = bundle.getString("pattern"); 17 //6. 定义MessageFormat.pattern的格式信息。 18 Format[] formats = { choiceForm, null, NumberFormat.getInstance() }; 19 messageForm.applyPattern(pattern); 20 messageForm.setFormats(formats); 21 //7. 定义和formats对应的格式参数。 22 Object[] messageArguments = { null, "XDisk", null }; 23 for (int numFiles = 0; numFiles < 4; numFiles++) { 24 //8. 重新设定格式参数中第0个和第2个参数的值,该值为被ChoiceFormat利用, 25 //并根据该参数值的不同选择不同的Choice字符串来替换。 26 messageArguments[0] = new Integer(numFiles); 27 messageArguments[2] = new Integer(numFiles); 28 //9. 开始格式化了。 29 String result = messageForm.format(messageArguments); 30 System.out.println(result); 31 } 32 } 33 34 public static void main(String[] args) { 35 displayMessages(new Locale("en", "US")); 36 displayMessages(new Locale("fr", "FR")); 37 } 38 } 39 /* 输出结果如下: 40 currentLocale = en_US 41 There are no files _disibledevent=>42 There is _disibledevent=>43 There are 2 files _disibledevent=>44 There are 3 files _disibledevent=>45 currentLocale = fr_FR 46 Il n' y a pas des fichiers sur XDisk. 47 Il y a un fichier sur XDisk. 48 Il y a 2 fichiers sur XDisk. 49 Il y a 3 fichiers sur XDisk. 50 */
1 //File: 2 public class SimpleResourceBundle extends ResourceBundle { 3 @Override 4 protected Object handleGetObject(String key) { 5 if (key.equals("AMMessage")) 6 return "早上好"; 7 if (key.equals("PMMessage")) 8 return "晚上好"; 9 return null; 10 } 11 @Override 12 public Enumeration getKeys() { 13 StringTokenizer keyTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(keys); 14 return keyTokenizer; 15 } 16 private String keys = "AMMessage PMMessage"; 17 } 18 //File: 19 public class SimpleResourceBundle_en_US extends ResourceBundle { 20 @Override 21 protected Object handleGetObject(String key) { 22 if (key.equals("AMMessage")) 23 return "Good morning"; 24 if (key.equals("PMMessage")) 25 return "Good evening"; 26 return null; 27 } 28 @Override 29 public Enumeration getKeys() { 30 StringTokenizer keyTokenizer = new StringTokenizer(keys); 31 return keyTokenizer; 32 } 33 private String keys = "AMMessage PMMessage"; 34 } 35 36 //调用类代码如下: 37 public static void main(String[] args) { 38 try { 39 //由于使用缺省的locale,因此在定义资源包类的文件时,可以不包含locale相关的后缀。 40 ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("SimpleResourceBundle"); 41 System.out.println(rb.getString("AMMessage")); 42 System.out.println(rb.getString("PMMessage")); 43 //由于给ResourceBundle的工厂方法传入了Locale参数,因此会获取US的资源包绑定类。 44 ResourceBundle rb_US = ResourceBundle.getBundle("SimpleResourceBundle",Locale.US); 45 System.out.println(rb_US.getString("AMMessage")); 46 System.out.println(rb_US.getString("PMMessage")); 47 } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { 48 mre.printStackTrace(); 49 } 50 } 51 /* 输出结果如下: 52 早上好 53 晚上好 54 Good morning 55 Good evening 56 */
1 //File: 2 public class SimpleResourceBundle_de_DE extends ListResourceBundle { 3 public Object[][] getContents() { 4 return contents; 5 } 6 7 private static final Object[][] contents = { 8 {"backgroundColor",}, 9 {"defaultPaperSize",new double[]{210,297}} 10 }; 11 } 12 //File: 13 public class SimpleResourceBundle_en_US extends ListResourceBundle { 14 public Object[][] getContents() { 15 return contents; 16 } 17 18 private static final Object[][] contents = { 19 {"backgroundColor",}, 20 {"defaultPaperSize",new double[]{216,279}} 21 }; 22 } 23 //主程序文件 24 public static void main(String[] args) { 25 try { 26 ResourceBundle rb = ResourceBundle.getBundle("SimpleResourceBundle",Locale.GERMANY); 27 Color bg = (Color)rb.getObject("backgroundColor"); 28 double[] paperSize = (double[])rb.getObject("defaultPaperSize"); 29 System.out.println("Germany Color is " + bg); 30 System.out.println("Germany paperSize is x = " + paperSize[0] + "\ty = " + paperSize[1]); 31 ResourceBundle rb_US = ResourceBundle.getBundle("SimpleResourceBundle",Locale.US); 32 bg = (Color)rb_US.getObject("backgroundColor"); 33 paperSize = (double[])rb_US.getObject("defaultPaperSize"); 34 System.out.println("US Color is " + bg); 35 System.out.println("US paperSize is x = " + paperSize[0] + "\ty = " + paperSize[1]); 36 } catch (MissingResourceException mre) { 37 mre.printStackTrace(); 38 } 39 } 40 /* 输出结果如下: 41 Germany Color is java.awt.Color[r=0,g=0,b=0] 42 Germany paperSize is x = 210.0 y = 297.0 43 US Color is java.awt.Color[r=0,g=0,b=255] 44 US paperSize is x = 216.0 y = 279.0 45 */


