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Hacking - DS Generation: NARC File Format

The NARC File Format is the basic archive format for NDS files. Kudos to natrium42 for making the original source of narctool, _disibledevent=>Nitro File Format, so that should be understood before continuing. NARC's file magic is "NARC" with a bom of 0xFFFE (so its representation in the file is "NARC", not "CRAN"). NARC files have three frames:FATB, FNTB, and FIMG.
FATB Frame
The first frame in a NARC file is the FATB frame, which contains the offsets of the beginning and end of all contained files. The FATB frame has a simple sub-header following the standard frame header:
struct fatb_header {
long num_entries; // Contains the number of files in this NARC file.

This header is followed by num_entries structs of the following form representing the beginning and ending offsets of each of the num_entries files.
struct fatb_entry {
long start; // Contains the start offset of this file
long end; // Contains the end offset of this file

Implementors seeking to repack NARC files should be aware that start offsets should be _disibledevent=>FIMG frame should be filled with the byte 0xFF.
FNTB Frame
The second frame in a NARC file is the FNTB frame, which may contain the filenames of all contained files. The FNTB frame has a simple sub-header following the standard frame header:
struct fntb_header {
long unknown1; // May be 0x00000008 when filenames are present.
// Pokémon D/P have this set to 0x00000004 and lack names.
long unknown2; // Appears to always be 0x00010000.

This header is optionally followed by fatb_header.num_entries structs of the following form representing the names of each of the num_entries files (only if (unknown1 == 0x00000008)? If (unknown1 == 0x00000004) there are NOT any filenames).
struct fntb_entry {
char length; // Contains the length of this filename
char name[256]; // Not actually 256 characters, but _disibledevent=>FATB frame, file starts should be aligned to 4-byte boundaries and should be padded between files (if necessary) with 0xFF. Note also that order is most likely important, especially with NARC archives that lack filenames.




Pokémon Ierukana?

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Hacking - DS Generation: Nitro File Format

The Nitro File Format is the basic file format of almost every data file found in a NDS file. A Nitro file contains a number of frames of data that are explained in detail in other files.
Every Nitro file begins with a specific NFF header. The format of the header (as a C-struct) is:
struct nff_header {
char magic[4]; // Contains a string representing the file type
short bom; /*
* Like the byte-order marker of UTF-16, this short, which
* always contains 0xFFFE, represents the endianness of
* 'magic' (if it reads 0xFEFF, reverse the 4 bytes to get
* the correct left-to-right reading.)
short unknown1; // Appears to always contain 0x0100
long file_size; // Size of the Nitro file (in bytes)
short unknown3; // Possibly the size of this header (in bytes). Appears to
// always contain 0x0010
short num_frames; // Contains the number of frames in this file

This header is followed by num_frames NFF frames which always begin with a specific frame header of this type:
struct nff_frame_header {
char magic[4]; // Contains a string representing the frame type. Always
// must be reversed to read.
long frame_size; // Size of the frame including this header (in bytes)

Each frame header is then followed by (frame_size - 6) bytes that are the contents of the frame.
Tags:  文件格式转换 红头文件格式 视频文件格式 文件格式转换器 文件格式


