
  到目前为止大多数 Java 编程人员都听说过 Eclipse它是可扩展开放源代码开发平台而且正迅速成为最流行用于 Java IDE本文将 Eclipse 介绍给目前正使用 Netbeans 以及正考虑转向 Eclipse 编程人员本文简单比较了这两种 IDE 中特性、它们易于使用性和稳定性重点展示了 Eclipse 些主要特性以及这些特性和 Netbeans 中有什么区别  通过比较来挑选 IDE  考虑到编程人员使用 IDE 所花费时间所以对于他们非常想知道哪种 IDE 是最好也就不觉得奇怪些人可能认为 Emacs 已经成为上个世纪件做工精巧遗留物但 [阅读全文] [PDF]
  To follow this tutorial, you need the software and resources listed in the following table. Software or Resource Version Required NetBeans IDE version version 6.1 or  version 6.0 Java Developer Kit (JDK) version 6 or  version 5 Download the Sample Introduction to Porting  [阅读全文] [PDF]
  介绍  CDC 应用是指在内存至少为 2 MB 手持式设备或无线设备上运行应用这种配置支持功能比移动电话更加丰富 JVM移动电话内存通常为 128 到 512 KB并且使用有限连接设备配置 (Connected Limited Device Configuration, CLDC)  本文档将指导您使用 NetBeans IDE 创建个在 Java ME 平台上运行连接设备配置 (Connected Device Configuration, CDC) 应用我们将介绍几种创建 Java ME CDC 项目(显示设备仿真器中简单表单)思路方法每种思路方法对 [阅读全文] [PDF]
  NetBeans for Eclipse UsersThis page is devoted entirely to features in Eclipse for Eclipse users switching to or using NetBeans. Information on this page should be in 3 categories:   ) A feature matrix which shows functionality in Eclipse and NetBeans and how to access it in Ecli [阅读全文] [PDF]
  Note: This is not the latest version of this document. It applies to NetBeans IDE 6.0/6.1 _disibledevent="NetBeans Code Snippet Module Tutorial" /   Make the module available to others via, for example, the Plugin Portal.   The recipient can the module by using their IDEs Plugin [阅读全文] [PDF]
  Note: This is not the latest version of this document. It applies to NetBeans IDE 6.0/6.1 _disibledevent="NetBeans Editor Component Palette Module Tutorial" /   Make the module available to others via, for example, e-mail.   The recipient can the module by using the Plugin Manag [阅读全文] [PDF]
  Note: This is not the latest version of this document. It applies to NetBeans IDE 6.0/6.1 _disibledevent= IconNodeWidget(this);  widget.Image(node.getImage);  widget.Label(Long.toString(node.hashCode));  //double-click, the event is consumed while double-clicking only:  widget.g [阅读全文] [PDF]
  The IDE has several editors—for example, the XML editor, the Java editor, the JSP editor, and the SQL editor. Normally all the IDEs editors are referred to collectively as the Source Editor. However, each of the editors is distinct—its functionality is targeted at the [阅读全文] [PDF]
  To follow this tutorial, you need the software and resources listed in the following table. Software or Resource Version Required NetBeans IDE version version 6.1 or  version 6.0 Java Developer Kit (JDK) version 6 or  version 5   Optionally, for troubleshooting purposes, you [阅读全文] [PDF]
  To follow this tutorial, you need the software and resources listed in the following table. Software or Resource Version Required NetBeans IDE version version 6.1 or  version 6.0 Java Developer Kit (JDK) version 6 or  version 5   Optionally, for troubleshooting purposes, you [阅读全文] [PDF]
  This tutorial focuses _disibledevent="NetBeans Selection Management Tutorial II—Using Nodes" /   Review of Concepts  To review a few of the concepts youve covered here:   A Lookup is like a Map where the keys are es and the values are instances of those es. Its also useful to thi [阅读全文] [PDF]
  This tutorial shows how to make use of some of the features of the Nodes API in NetBeans. It shows how to do the following:   Decorate Nodes with icons   Use HTML markup to enhance how Nodes are displayed   Create properties for display in the property sheet   Provide Actions fro [阅读全文] [PDF]
  This tutorial shows techniques for using property editors in NetBeans, including providing custom editors and custom inplace editors. Specically, the following will be covered:   Providing your own property editor for an individual Node   Creating a custom editor   Creating a cus [阅读全文] [PDF]
  Note: This is not the latest version of this document. It applies to NetBeans IDE 6.0/6.1 _disibledevent="NetBeans Properties Module Tutorial" /   Use the module as described in the Introducing the Sample section. [阅读全文] [PDF]
  Note: This is not the latest version of this document. It applies to NetBeans IDE 6.0/6.1 _disibledevent= pref.get("namePreference", "");pref.addPreferenceChangeListener( PreferenceChangeListener {  public void preferenceChange(PreferenceChangeEvent evt) {     (evt.getKey.equals( [阅读全文] [PDF]
  To follow this tutorial, you need the software and resources listed in the following table. Software or Resource Version Required NetBeans IDE version version 6.1 orversion 6.0 Java Developer Kit (JDK) version 6 orversion 5   You will also make use of this icon, which you ca [阅读全文] [PDF]
  Note: This is not the latest version of this document. It applies to NetBeans IDE 6.0/6.1 _disibledevent="**/nbproject/private/"/  /zip/target  In the above Ant target, the build.es.dir property pos to the location of your sample module project, which is probably dferent in your [阅读全文] [PDF]
  This tutorial demonstrates how to create a module containing file templates. _disibledevent=apache  Now look in the Template Manager again, in the Licenses folder. You see some templates there. Create a one called "license-apache.txt". For now, you can just copy an existing one [阅读全文] [PDF]
  我在 上篇博客文章 中提到我认为分发 NetBeans RCP 项目源好思路方法绑所使用构建平台(当然如果不是默认 NetBeans 平台)  我建议在分发中使用以下目录布局:  lib/nbm - 用于存放以 nbm 文件形式打包引用平台;   lib/nbm/NetBeans6.0RC1 - 用于存放需要使用 NetBeans 平台模块;   lib/platform7-base - 用于存放 NetBeans 上无法打包为 nbm 文件某些文件;   src/ - 源文件   将使用另个目录来保存平台布局以供 NetBeans 使用(此目录不应用源 [阅读全文] [PDF]
  Java编程语言是第个被设计成为全面支持国际化语言从开始他就具备进行有效国际化所必须个特性:使用Unicode来处理所有串支持Unicode使得在Java编程语言下编写来操作多种语言串变得非常方便如今NetBeans出现再次帮我们减轻了国际化工作量真是太棒了!  好了回归正题接着上次国际化话题上次只是演示了NetBeans中些国际化功能这次讲讲其它功能首先看看下面几幅图    this;  }}  有关日期和时间国际化下次有空再写了最近想翻译SwingApplicationFrameworkAPI顺便学习下英语 [阅读全文] [PDF]
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