
大小写如元素名在打开和关闭标记中应保持大小写致<mytag>…</mytag>XML保留词串应符合大小写要求<?xml…><!ENTITY>…   2)XML保留标记为:<>&保留不允许出现在元素名、元素文本、属性名、属性值中<用户打开标记>用于关闭标记&用于转意常见转意为&lt生成<&gt生成>&amp生成&&apos生 [阅读全文] [PDF]
First DOM Walk Working Set Delta prefix = o ns = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" /> 第次DOM树遍历引起工作空间增量 Walking the DOM tree for the first time has an impact _disibledevent=>在第次遍历DOM树时对工作空间这个度量指标会有定影响树中有些节点会被创建为了介绍说明这点这里提 [阅读全文] [PDF]
Save prefix = o ns = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" /> 保存 Saving a document is generally slower than loading _disibledevent=>保存个文档总来说要比载入慢下面表格显示了其中区别: Sample 样本 Load (milliseconds) 载入(毫秒) Save (milliseconds) 保存(毫秒) [阅读全文] [PDF]
Metrics prefix = o ns = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" /> 度量指标 There are four key performance metrics that most of you are erested in as you develop your XML-based Web application: 当开发基于XMLWeb应用时大部分人对以下 4个主要性能度量指标感兴 [阅读全文] [PDF]
MSXML Features prefix = o ns = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" /> MSXML特点 Next, let\'s examine some important scenarios associated with the Document Object Model (DOM)—including loading, saving, walking a DOM tree, and [阅读全文] [PDF]
Inside MSXML Performance prefix = o ns = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" /> MSXML性能分析 Chris Lovett Microsoft Corporation February 21, 2000 Download the source code for this article (1.17MB) 下载本文中举例源代码 Contents Me [阅读全文] [PDF]
Validation prefix = o ns = \"urn:schemas-microsoft-com:office:office\" /> 验证 Validation compares the types of elements in an XML document against a Document Type Definition (DTD) or XML Schema. For example, the DTD may say that al [阅读全文] [PDF]
小结 The XML team at Microsoft has done some great work to improve the performance of the MSXML parser over the last three releases. They made a major improvement to the scalability of MSXML for the Windows 2000 release, as described at the end of Charlie Heinemann\'s article \"Wha [阅读全文] [PDF]
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