LibreOffice 3.3.2 Final 发布,办公软件套件

Libreoffice 是 Openoffice部分开发者,在不满 Openoffice的开发计划(由开源转变成闭源),大力出走,在原Openoffic源代码基础上,二次开发而来。这是第二个稳定版的LibreOffice,仅包含部分安全方面的代码更新和翻译更新,与3.3.2 Release Candidate 2版本并无太大区别,更新列表如下:
This is the second update to the stable version of LibreOffice. It contains _disibledevent=>Windows 2000, you may require this update before being able to install LibreOffice.
- If you run Linux, the GCJ Java variant has known issues with LibreOffice, we advise to e.g. use OpenJDK instead.
- LibreOffice contains all the security fixes from in 3.3.0, and perhaps more as a side-effect of the code clean-ups.
There are a few non-critical issues still contained in this release, which will be addressed soon with upcoming bugfix versions:
- If you install third-party extensions that bring their own help, you may _disibledevent=>
LibreOffice 3.3.2 Final for Mac OS (179.18 MB):


