
英文名:Modern Operating Systems
7.4~7.8 回家这几天把这本书看掉了,重拾了当初学操作系统的感觉,这的确是一本好书。
同我们当时那本汤子瀛的教材相比,这本书就是The C Language 之于 谭浩强的书。
呃,作者你可能不熟悉(荷)Andrew.S.Tanenbaum 但是,Minix你一定听过,那么我想你知道了。

1. P9 个体的重复发展
在达尔文(Charles Darwin)的著作《物种起源》之后,德国动物学家海克尔(Ernst Haeckel)指出了“个体重复发展”现象。
2. P24 /44 重用
After Charles Darwin's book _disibledevent=> German zoologist Ernst Haeckel stated that "ontogeny recapitulates phylogeny."
By this he meant that the development of an embryo (ontogeny) repeats (i.e.,
recapitulates) the evolution of the species (phylogeny). In other words, after fer-
tilization, a human egg goes through stages of being a fish, a pig, and so _disibledevent=> turning into a human baby. Modern biologists regard this as a gross simplification,
but it still has a kernel of truth in it.
Something vaguely analogous has happened in the computer industry. Each
new species (mainframe, minicomputer, personal computer, handheld, embedded
computer, smart card, etc.) seems to go through the development that its ancestors
did, both in hardware and in software. We often forget that much of what hap-
pens in the computer business and a lot of other fields is technology driven. The
reason the ancient Romans lacked cars is not that they liked walking so much. It
is because they did not know how to build cars. Personal computers exist not be-
cause millions of people have a centuries-old pent-up desire to own a computer,
but because it is now possible to manufacture them cheaply. We often forget how
much technology affects our view of systems and it is worth reflecting _disibledevent=> point from time to time.
In particular, it frequently happens that a change in technology renders some
idea obsolete and it quickly vanishes. However, another change in technology
could revive it again. This is especially true when the change has to do with the
relative performance of different parts of the system. For instance, when CPUs
became much faster than memories, caches became important to speed up the
"slow" memory. If new memory technology someday makes memories much
faster than CPUs, caches will vanish. And if a new CPU technology makes them
faster than memories again, caches will reappear. In biology, extinction is for-
ever, but in computer science, it is sometimes _disibledevent=> 大段话的意思就是,计算机中的思想不会过时,按需求变更。
3. P79 /137 均衡性
4. P203 /354 Modern Kindergarten
The solution was the introduction of TrueType fonts, which are not bitmaps
but outlines of the characters. Each TrueType character is defined by a sequence
of points around its perimeter. All the points are relative to the (0, 0) origin.
Using this system, it is easy to scale the characters up or down. All that has to be
done is to multiply each coordinate by the same scale factor. In this way, a True-
Type character can be scaled up or down to any point size, even fractional point
sizes. _disibledevent=> follow-the-dots algorithm taught in kindergarten (note that modern kindergartens
use splines for smoother results). After the outline has been completed, the char-
acter can be filled in.
5. P267 /466 Joke Of JPEG
JPEG may seem complicated, but that is because it is complicated. Still,
since it often produces a 20:1 compression or better, it is widely used. Decoding a
JPEG image requires running the algorithm backward. JPEG is roughly sym-
metric: it takes about as long to decode an image as to encode it.
6. P280 /487 Zipf定律
For many kinds of popularity contests, such as movies being rented, books
being checked out of a library, Web pages being referenced, even English words
being used in a novel or the population of the largest cities, a reasonable approxi-
mation of the relative popularity follows a surprisingly predictable pattern. This
pattern was discovered by a Harvard professor of linguistics, George Zipf (1902-
1950) and is now called Zipf's law. What it states is that if the movies, books,
Web pages, or words are ranked _disibledevent=> customer will choose the item ranked k-th in the list is C/k, where C is a nor-
malization constant.
Thus the fraction of hits for the top three movies are C/1, C/2, and C/3, re-
spectively, where C is computed such that the sum of all the terms is 1. In other
words, if there are N movies, then
C/1 + C/2 + C/3 + C/4 + ... + C/N = 1
From this equation, C can be calculated. The values of C for populations with 10,
100, 1000, and 10,000 items are 0.341, 0.193, 0.134, and 0.102, respectively. For
example, for 1000 movies, the probabilities for the top five movies are 0.134,
0.067, 0.045, 0.034, and 0.027, respectively.
7. P350 /607 登录欺骗
The _disibledevent=> combination that user programs cannot catch. Windows uses CTRL-ALT-DEL
for this purpose. If a user sits down at a computer and starts out by first typing
CTRL-ALT-DEL, the current user is logged out and the system login program is
started. There is no way to bypass this mechanism.
8. P349 /606 Trojan Horses
Most common programs are in /bin or /usr/bin, so putting a Trojan horse in
/usr/bin/X////s does not work for a common program because the real _disibledevent=> found first. However, suppose the cracker inserts la into /un-/bin/XI] . If a user
mistypes la instead of Is (the directory listing program), now the Trojan horse will
run, do its dirty work, and then issue the correct message that la does not exist.
By inserting Trojan horses into complicated directories that hardly anyone ever
looks at and giving them names that could represent common typing errors, there
is a fair chance that someone will invoke _disibledevent=> someone might be the superuser (even superusers make typing errors), in which
case the Trojan horse now has the opportunity to replace /bin/is with a version
containing a Trojan horse, so it will be invoked all the time now.
Our malicious but legal user, Mal, could also lay a trap for the superuser as
follows. He puts a version of Is containing a Trojan horse in his own directory
and then does something suspicious that is sure to attract the superuser's attention,
such as starting up 100 compute-bound processes at _disibledevent=> superuser will check that out by typing
cd /home/mal
ls —l
to see what Mal has in his home directory. Since some shells first try the local
directory before working through $PATH, the superuser may have just invoked
Mal's Trojan horse with superuser power and bingo. The Trojan horse could then
make /home/inal/bin/sh SETUID root. All it takes is two system calls: chown to
change the owner of /hoine/inal/bin/sh to root and chmod, to set its SETUID bit.
Now Mal can become superuser at will by just running that shell.
9. P363 /630 病毒变异
10. P380 /661 Covert Channel 隐藏信道
The collaborator can try to detect the bit stream by carefully monitoring its
response time. In general, it will get better response when the server is sending a
0 than when the server is sending a 1. This communication channel is known as a
covert channel
However, sometimes it can still leak out using covert channels, such as modulating CPU usage.
这让我想起了以前看到的一种用thread sleep time 对数组进行排序的娱乐算法。
11. P381 /663 Covered Writing 隐写术
How does this covert channel work? The original color image is 1024 x 768
pixels. Each pixel consists of three 8-bit numbers, _disibledevent=> blue intensity of that pixel. The pixel's color is formed by the linear superposition
of the three colors. The encoding method uses the low-order bit of each RGB
color value as a covert channel. Thus each pixel has room for 3 bits of secret
information, _disibledevent=> value. With an image of this size, up to 1024 x 768 x 3 bits (294,912 bytes) of
secret information can be stored in it.
12. P315 /547 竞标算法
13. P393 /684 过滤程序(filter)和管线命令(pipeline)
A program that reads its input from standard input, does some processing _disibledevent=> and writes its output to standard output is called a filter.
A collection of commands connected by pipe symbols, called a
pipeline, may contain arbitrarily many commands. A four-component pipeline is
shown by the following example:
grep ter *.t | sort | head —20 | tail —5 >foo
Here all the lines containing the string "ter" in all the files ending in .t are written
to standard output, where they are sorted. The first 20 of these are selected out by
head, which passes then to tail, which writes the last five (i.e., lines 16 to 20 in
the sorted list) to foo. This is an example of how Linux provides basic building
blocks (numerous filters), each of which does _disibledevent=> for them to be put together in almost limitless ways.
和以前编程中用到的.net remoting中的PIC管道就是这个东东,记下linux下写法,备个忘。
14. P395/686 A few of the common Linux utility programs required by POSIX.
Concatenate multiple files to standard output
Change file protection mode
Copy _disibledevent=> cut
Cut columns of text from a file
Search a file for some pattern
Extract the first lines of a file
List directory
Compile files to build a binary
Make a directory
Octal dump a file
Paste columns of text into a file
Format a file for printing
List running processes
Remove _disibledevent=> rmdir
Remove a directory
Sort a file of lines alphabetically
Extract the last lines of a file
Translate between character sets
15. 一点小Tip
后话: 以前学面向对象的时候,觉得一切事物都是对象;现在看了操作系统,觉得一切都是状态机。比如磁盘,呵呵。

Tags:  笔记本操作系统


