solr排序,高性能solr c#客户端EasyNet.Solr

EasyNet.Solr(是由本人开发的 solr(客户端。它具有以下特性:
1.支持solr 3.1(不兼容solr 1.4.x)
2. 默认支持solr最高效的javabin协议
4. 可以在架构基础上方便扩展处理solr支持的其他协议,如xml,json等等
以下是基本的使用示例: 索引和检索用到的实体类 Indexing and retrieval of entity class used public class Example { public string Id { get; set; } public string Name { get; set; } } 创建索引 Create index 序列化实现 Implement serialization public class ExampleObjectSerializer : IObjectSerializer { public IList Serializer(IEnumerable objs) { IList docs = new List(); foreach (Example obj in objs) { SolrInputDocument doc = new SolrInputDocument(); doc.Add("Id", new SolrInputField("id", obj.Id)); doc.Add("name", new SolrInputField("name", obj.Name)); docs.Add(doc); } return docs; } } 索引 Index ICodecFactory codecFactory = new BinaryCodecFactory(); ISolrConnection con = new SolrConnection("http://localhost:8088/solr"); IUpdateOperationParametersConvert updateOpParametersConvert = new BinaryUpdateOperationParametersConvert(); ISolrResponseParser responseHeaderParser = new BinaryResponseHeaderParser(); ISolrUpdateOperations updateOp = new SolrUpdateOperations(con, updateOpParametersConvert); IList examples = new List(); examples.Add(new Example() { Id = "16", Name = "Terry" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() }); examples.Add(new Example() { Id = "18", Name = "Terry" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() }); examples.Add(new Example() { Id = "17", Name = "Terry" + DateTime.Now.ToLongTimeString() }); IObjectSerializer objectSerializer = new ExampleObjectSerializer(); IList docs = objectSerializer.Serializer(examples); AddOptions? addOptions = new AddOptions() { CommitWithin = 10 }; CommitOptions? commitOptions = new CommitOptions() { WaitFlush = true, WaitSearcher = true }; OptimizeOptions? optimizeOptions = new OptimizeOptions() { WaitFlush = true, WaitSearcher = true }; NamedList addRes = updateOp.Add(docs, null, commitOptions, optimizeOptions); ResponseHeader responseHeader = responseHeaderParser.Parser(addRes); 查询 Query 反序列实现 Implement deserialize public class ExampleObjectDeserialize : IObjectDeserialize { public IEnumerable Deserialize(SolrDocumentList result) { IList examples = new List(); foreach (SolrDocument doc in result) { examples.Add(new Example() { Id = doc["id"].ToString(), Name = doc["name"].ToString() }); } return examples; } } 查询 Query ISolrConnection con = new SolrConnection("http://localhost:8088/solr"); IObjectDeserialize objectDeserialize = new ExampleObjectDeserialize(); ISolrResponseParser> qrp = new BinaryQueryResultsParser(objectDeserialize); ISolrQueryOperations qop = new SolrQueryOperations(con); NameValueCollection options = new NameValueCollection(); options.Add(CommonParams.START, "0"); options.Add(CommonParams.ROWS, "10"); NamedList res = qop.Query(SolrQuery.All, options); QueryResults exps = qrp.Parser(res);
Tags:  solr分页 solr搜索 solr配置 solr排序


