
大家好,第一次写dll 我想写一个枚举硬盘分区的dll,代码如下 enumpartition.h #ifndef _ENUMPARTITION_H_ #define _ENUMPARTITION_H_ #define DLLIMPORT __declspec (dllexport) typedef struct _EtParition { CHAR *path; } EtPartition; EtPartition et_pis[20]; ULONG et_np=0; DLLIMPORT ULONG et_init(); DLLIMPORT CHAR* et_path(ULONG i); DLLIMPORT UCHAR et_type(ULONG i); DLLIMPORT LONGLONG et_size(ULONG i); #endif enumpartition.c #include #include #include #include #include // Guid definition #include // Device guids #include // for SetupDiXxx functions. #include // for SetupDiXxx functions. #include #include #include #include BOOL APIENTRY DllMain(HINSTANCE hInstance, DWORD reason, { return TRUE; } BOOL GetDeviceProperty(HDEVINFO IntDevInfo, DWORD Index ) { SP_DEVICE_INTERFACE_DATA interfaceData; } DLLIMPORT ULONG et_init() { HDEVINFO hDevInfo, hIntDevInfo; } DLLIMPORT CHAR* et_path(ULONG i) { if(i>=et_np)return NULL; } DLLIMPORT UCHAR et_type(ULONG i) { if(i>=et_np)return NULL; } DLLIMPORT LONGLONG et_size(ULONG i) { if(i>=et_np)return NULL; } sources TARGETNAME=enumpartition TARGETTYPE=DYNLINK TARGETPATH=obj TARGETLIBS=$(DDK_LIB_PATH)\setupapi.lib INCLUDES=$(BASEDIR)\inc; SOURCES=enumpartition.c 我在ddk的build环境下用build编译,却出现如下错误 BUILD: Adding /Y to COPYCMD so xcopy ops won't hang. BUILD: Object root set to: ==> objchk_wxp_x86 BUILD: Compile and Link for i386 BUILD: Loading C:\WINDDK\3790\build.dat... BUILD: Computing Include file dependencies: BUILD: Examining d:\enumpartition directory for files to compile. d:\enumpartition - 1 source files (166 lines) BUILD: Compiling d:\enumpartition directory Compiling - enumpartition.c for i386 NMAKE : U1073: don't know how to make 'enumpartition.def' BUILD: nmake.exe failed - rc = 2 BUILD: Compile errors: not linking d:\enumpartition directory BUILD: Done 2 files compiled - 2 Warnings - 1 Error - 166 LPS
硬盘分区,想写一个枚举硬盘分区的dll 硬盘分区,想写一个枚举硬盘分区的dll 硬盘分区,想写一个枚举硬盘分区的dll


