
1. 什么是gSOAP gSOAP是一个夸平台的,用于开发Web Service服务端和客户端的工具,在Windows、Linux、MAC OS和UNIX下使用C和C++语言编码,集合了SSL功能。gSOAP是一个开源的项目,用它可以方便的使用c/c++地进行SOAP客户端和服务器端编程,而不必了解xml和SOAP协议的细节。
2. 如何获取gSOAP 官网地址: 开源主页地址: 目前版本为2.8.0
3.生成WSDL 访问http://localhost/HelloWorld.asmx,在该页面中点击【服务说明】,即生成了http://localhost/HelloWorld.asmx?WSDL
4.根据WSDL文件,生成函数描述 在gSOAP中,提供了两个工具,wsdl2h和soapcpp2,用这两个工具来帮我们生成代理函数。
// 查看帮助 wsdl2h -h
Usage: wsdl2h [-a] [-c] [-d] [-e] [-f] [-g] [-h] [-I path] [-i] [-j] [-k] [-l] [ -m] [-n name] [-N name] [-p|-P] [-q name] [-r proxyhost[:port[:uid:pwd]]] [-s] [ -t typemapfile] [-u] [-v] [-w] [-W] [-x] [-y] [-z#] [-_] [-o outfile.h] infile.w sdl infile.xsd http://www/... ...
-a generate indexed struct names for local elements with anonymous types -c generate C source code -d use DOM to populate xs:any, xs:anyType, and xs:anyAttribute -e don't qualify enum names -f generate flat C++ class hierarchy -g generate global top-level element declarations -h display help info -i don't import (advanced option) -Ipath use path to find files -j don't generate SOAP_ENV__Header and SOAP_ENV__Detail definitions -k don't generate SOAP_ENV__Header mustUnderstand qualifiers -l display license information -m use xsd.h module to import primitive types -nname use name as the base namespace prefix instead of 'ns' -Nname use name as the base namespace prefix for service namespaces -ofile output to file -p create polymorphic types with C++ inheritance from base xsd__anyType -P don't create polymorphic types with C++ inheritance from xsd__anyType -qname use name for the C++ namespace of all declarations -rhost[:port[:uid:pwd]] connect via proxy host, port, and proxy credentials -s don't generate STL code (no std::string and no std::vector) -tfile use type map file instead of the default file typemap.dat -u don't generate unions -v verbose output -w always wrap response parameters in a response struct (<=1.1.4 behavior) -W suppress warnings -x don't generate _XML any/anyAttribute extensibility elements -y generate typedef synonyms for structs and enums -z1 compatibility with 2.7.6e: generate pointer-based arrays -z2 compatibility with 2.7.15: qualify element/attribute referenced members -_ don't generate _USCORE (replace with UNICODE _x005f) infile.wsdl infile.xsd http://www/... list of input sources (if none: use stdin)
soapcpp2 -h
Usage: soapcpp2 [-1|-2] [-C|-S] [-T] [-L] [-a] [-b] [-c] [-d path] [-e] [-h] [-i ] [-I path;path;...] [-l] [-m] [-n] [-p name] [-s] [-t] [-v] [-w] [-x] [infile]
-1 generate SOAP 1.1 bindings -2 generate SOAP 1.2 bindings -C generate client-side code _disibledevent=>http://localhost/HelloWorld.asmx?WSDL
-c 表示用纯c语言来实现,如果不加-c,则用c++语言来实现 -o 表示指定输出文件名称
soapcpp2 -c TestWebservice.h
本例中生成了以下文件: soapH.h soapServer.c soapServerLib.c soapClient.c soapClientLib.c soapStub.h soapC.c HelloWorldSoap.nsmap
5. 建立一个控制台程序,将soapH.h soapClient.c soapClientLib.c soapStub.h soapC.c HelloWorldSoap.nsmap添加到工程中
1 #include "stdio.h" 2 #include "soapH.h" // or whatever it is called, you must already have it 3 #include "HelloWorld.nsmap" // this is what you have to add to fix the problem 4 5 void main() 6 { 7 struct soap stSoap; 8 struct _ns1__HelloWorld stHelloWorld; 9 struct _ns1__HelloWorldResponse stHelloWorldRes; 10 11 soap_init(&stSoap); 12 13 if(soap_call___ns2__HelloWorld(&stSoap,NULL,NULL,&stHelloWorld,&stHelloWorldRes)==SOAP_OK) 14 { 15 printf("%s!\n",stHelloWorldRes.HelloWorldResult); 16 } 17 else 18 { 19 printf("Call Failed!\n"); 20 } 21 22 system("pause"); 23 24 soap_destroy(&stSoap); 25 soap_end(&stSoap); 26 soap_done(&stSoap); 27 }
编译... >fatal error C1083: Cannot open include file: 'stdsoap2.h': No such file or directory
缺少头文件,OK,需要将stdsoap2.h/stdsoap2.c 拷到工程目录下,并添加到工程中。
再编译... >soapClientLib.obj : error LNK2005: _soap_call___ns2__HelloWorld already defined in soapClient.obj
#ifndef WITH_NOGLOBAL #define WITH_NOGLOBAL #endif #define SOAP_FMAC3 static #include "soapC.c" #include "soapClient.c"
/* End of soapClientLib.c */
再编译... Build: 1 succeeded, 0 failed, 0 up-to-date, 0 skipped
6. 运行 又看到了我们熟悉的窗口:HelloWorld!
Tags:  gsoap安装 gsoap实例 gsoap gsoap开发 gsoap使用


